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Author: Ron Graham

Alphabetical Index

“Lead” to “Light”
—Alphabetical index L  <2>

Leading Lead Us Not Into TemptationA look at the example prayer that Jesus gave to his disciples.

Learned The Things You Have LearnedTimothy was very fortunate as a child in having been grounded in the true faith by his grandmother Lois and his mother Eunice, and later by Paul his mentor.

Least Be a Do MosterAn encouragement to give the most that you can to God rather than the least required.

Legalism Sin and Legalism SERIESThese studies provide an insight into the nature of sin and how sin ought to be dealt with, while at the same time drawing attention to errors of legalism and liberalism.

Legend Myth and Make Believe?It is a common belief that much of the Bible, especially the historical content, is myth and make-believe. But are the stories fact or fable? Some say the stories in the Bible are symbolic of spiritual realities and are therefore valid even if untrue in a literal sense.

Lettuces Lettuces (Hebrews 10:21-25)This lesson from Hebrews chapter ten is called “Lettuces” because the writer makes three statements beginning with the words “Let us...”.

Liberation Buried With ChristExposition of Romans 6:17-18. About faith’s power (by grace) to liberate from enslavement to sin and then progress to full establishment in Christ.

Liberation The Chain of Great EventsA chain of events is experienced by everyone who obeys God’s plan of salvation. Paul presents this chain in three different ways.

Liberation Redemption (Wonderful Words)The rescue of sinners requires a ransom they cannot pay. Jesus paid the price with his blood, without any bargain with Satan.

Liberty Our Liberty in ChristAll liberty is precious, but political and physical freedom, is of the second order. Spiritual freedom is transcendent.

Liberty Not Under LawAbout Paul’s statement in Galatians 5:18, “If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law”.

Libya Acts FactsWhat the book of Acts tells us happened in Libya. Includes a map of the region.

Lie The Lie that Brought DeathAnanias and Sapphira told a lie. The account in Acts 5, is one of the most unsettling stories in the Bible.

Lie Believing a LieFalse teaching is all around us, but we have no excuse for believing these lies.

Life The Origin of Life on EarthThree puzzling questions about the origin of life are answered by three simple statements in Genesis 1.

Life Jesus Made Me Understand My LifeWe are taught by the example of Jesus to think of ourselves as servants of others and to put their interests above our own. We are not at the center: others are. This may surprise you, because it is the lost secret of a happy life.

Life What Is Your Life?James asks, “What is your life?” (James 4:14).. There's not a lot of realism about life. The nature of life on this earth is fairly evident, yet people live life as though it were far different to the reality.

Life Spiritual Death and New LifeWe consider the states of spiritual life and spiritual death. These are two of the three states of the soul that pertain to our sojourn in this life.

Life Bible Verses About LifeA neat list of interesting Bible verses about Life here and hereafter.

Lifetime Three TimesThree spans of time that each of us is involved in. The first span is small, the second large, the third infinite.

Lifted up If I Be Lifted UpJesus said, “If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself”. His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, are the three ways he did this.

Lifted up (YouTube) If I be Lifted Up —A 30-minute video. Jesus said, "If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself" (John 12:32). His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, are the three ways he did this, and each holds an attraction for us.

Light Spiritual Enlightenment SERIESA collection of individual sermons which were never intended as a series. However each of these sermons aims to enlighten people about some important issue of the heart.

Light Light and Darkness - In Which Will You Walk?The word “light” in the Bible often has the spiritual sense of that which brings enlightenment to those in spiritual darkness. Thus Jesus and his message are called “light”. Read this lesson to see how essential is this light to your life!

Light Light in the Darkness (Isaiah)One of the great themes of Isaiah is spiritual light and darkness. The early chapters of Isaiah include four strong statements about light and darkness.

Light Salt and Light (Matt 5)Salt and light have properties that make them very apt symbols of the Christian.

Light The Morning Star (2Peter 1:12,19)The importance of being enlightened and established in the present truth because the world is a dark place.

Light Bible Verses About LightA neat list of interesting Bible verses about Light and enlightenment.

Index for Light


Webservant Ron Graham

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