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Author: Ron Graham


Issues of Interest
—Selected Lessons

This index guides you to the lessons on clustered around the topic, “Issues of Interest”. These series discuss several controversial matters. Tap any title next to an arrow in the list below.

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ForgivenessThese individual lessons, written at different times over the years, are here collected to provide a deeper understanding of the basic theme and purpose of the gospel, namely the forgiveness of sins.

God’s wrathThese lessons are about two things we should not fool around with. God can save us from both, but be warned, he will only save us on his terms.

MiraclesA collection of lessons dealing with miracles, miraculous signs and powers, and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

The True ChurchIn these lessons, we show that denominationalism is in conflict with Christ’s true church. All congregations professing Christ should rediscover that church and restore themselves to it forsaking all else.

Sin and LegalismThese lessons provides an insight into the nature of sin and how sin ought to be dealt with, while at the same time drawing attention to errors of legalism and liberalism.

AbstinenceA special series of lessons presenting sound reasons for being a teetotaller whether or not you believe that consuming alcohol is a sin of itself. Written with Australian circumstances in mind, where alcohol abuse is endemic and causing much ruin.

Upholding LawThere are certain doctrines about divine law that are misleading. This series of lessons examines how the law of Christ fits in with faith, grace, and other important matters discussed in the scriptures.

PremillennialismA series of lessons addressing the ideas and suppositions of the popular premillennial doctrines about the second coming and the kingdom of God.

The AD70 DoctrineA series of lessons addressing the ideas and suppositions of the preterist doctrines and the idea that the second coming of Christ occurred in AD70.

Tulip (Calvinism)A series of lessons addressing and refuting Calvinism, following the useful TULIP acrostic that many Calvinists employ to set out the five main principles.

Man and WomanA collection of lessons concerning relationships between woman, man, and God. The series includes lessons relating to marriage.


Webservant Ron Graham

 Threads Main Index

—On there are several ways we can find Bible lessons on a given topic. The threads method provides lists of lessons on a given subject. Such lessons are connected as it were by threads to provide you with the best selection from hundreds of study pages. Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to that index.

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