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Author: Ron Graham


Our Right Response to God
—(1) Hope, faith and joy (1Peter)

Our previous lessons examined the merciful and just manner in which God has treated us. We noted seven things which God has done, or is doing, that show his great mercy and kindness toward us.

Now, in this lesson, we examine the manner of our response to God. There are seven things we must show in our hearts and lives so as to make a right response to God. In this lesson we look at the first three.

1 A Living Hope

1Peter 1:3

The resurrection of Jesus Christ means that we don't worship a dead person, but one who has conquered death and ascended into heaven ahead of us. He is the living Lord Jesus Christ. So we have been "born again to a living hope" (1Peter 1:3).

We have a living hope in a living Saviour who has the power to take us into heaven. We must live in this hope which God has given us. This attitude of hope is a right response to God's magnificent promises.

2 A Genuine Faith

1Peter 1:7-9

The phrase "proof of your faith" (1Peter 1:7) means a genuineness of faith that will stand the test of "various trials" (1Peter 1:6).

Such faith is our response to God's mercy and grace and the marvelous gospel he has revealed to us.

Note: For 1Peter 1:10-12 see previous lesson.

3 A Joy Inexpressible

1Peter 1:6,8

Christ brings a joy into our hearts, even though we have many pains and problems (1Peter 1:6). This joy is "inexpressible" (1Peter 1:8).

Our joy is like our pain which also produces "groanings too deep for words" which only the Holy Spirit can articulate (Romans 8:26).

Our joy is inexpressible because it is "full of glory" (1Peter 1:8). Joy like this is our response to the inheritance God has reserved in heaven for us.


Webservant Ron Graham

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