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Author: Ron Graham

Alphabetical Index

“Remember” to “Resurrection”
—Alphabetical index R  <2>

Remember Remember series SERIESA collection lessons to help us recall, and remain faithful to, the basic principles of our faith and religion.

Remember Remembering and Forgetting: Living in the PastPeople say you shouldn't live in the past. However, in our relationship with God, the past, present, and future, are all one. Remembering Jesus is living in the past. But forgetting Jesus is destroying your future.

Remember When is a Good Memory a Bad Thing?In Philippians 3:13, Paul says, "Forgetting the things which are behind, and reaching forward to those which are ahead, I press toward the goal..." In this lesson we ask what things should we forget and leave behind? When is it a bad thing to have a good memory?

Remnant Adventures of Ezra and NehemiahWell into the Medo-Persian rule, Artaxerxes is king of Persia. Ezra and Nehemiah lead the rebuilding, religious restoration, and resettling of the remnant in Jerusalem.

Renewing of Spirit The Unbreakable SealEvery one who is a Christian has the Holy Spirit as the seal of God, and this is distinct from the miraculous gifts which were given only to some.

Repay Repaying EvilThe Christian has three things to remember, and live by, with regard to enemies. We find these in Romans 12:17-21.

Repentance The Zacchaeus PrincipleA lesson from Luke 19:1-10, observing the manner in which Zacchaeus repented.

Repentance Jesus Forgave Me All My SinsWhy let your stubborn will stop you turning to your Heavenly Father for forgiveness of your sins? Invite him into your heart and do as he says.

Repentance Repentance From SinThe third step to salvation is changing one's heart and turning from sin.

Repentance Grace and RepentanceRepentance means a change of mind. But in what sense and with what results? Some say that a mind change is all God’s grace requires for repentance. We are not required to change our lives. We don't need to turn from sin. That's wrong. Several things go along with true repentance, and it cannot do without them. God’s grace, in granting repentance, requires these things.

Repentance WORDS Repentance Defined Several technical or special words in the Bible are studied and explained in our glossary. This lesson provides a word family, definitions, Greek/Hebrew references, a scripture chain, comments, and links, related to “repentance”.

Repentance Sweet Will of GodThe Bible is not legalistic, but it does take sin seriously. We look at the basic facts on which the doctrine of sin is built.

Repentance The Disciple’s Repentance. Repentance is necessary to forgiveness of sins. Three things accompany repentance: godly sorrow, confession of sins, and appropriate deeds.

Report Ron Graham’s Ministry ReportIndex to ministry reports, latest and archived.

Rescue WORDS Salvation Defined Several technical or special words in the Bible are studied and explained in our glossary. This lesson provides a word family, definitions, Greek/Hebrew references, a scripture chain, comments, and links, related to “salvation”.

Resisting Irresistable GraceCan anyone resist the grace of God? This Bible study answers that question as it relates to human nature and God’s will.

Response God’s Response to PrayersExamines how God responds to the prayers of his people in three marvelous ways: intercession, providence, and good pleasure.

Response Our Right Response to GodWe hold a living hope (1Peter 1:3), We hold a genuine faith (1Peter 1:7-9), We have a joy inexpressible (1Peter 1:6,8).

Response Response ClusterList of Bible lessons on the topic “response”, from’s study pages.

Response Our Response to TrialsThere are right and wrong responses to suffering. We look at seven responses, two of them good, the others not so good.

Responsibilities Responsibilities SERIES> —Christians have responsibilities in the home and in the community. This series brings the scriptures to bear on responsibilities of that kind.

Responsibilities Responsibilities ClusterLessons clustered around the concept of “responsibilities”.

Rest A Rest for God’s PeopleAfter God created the world, he rested, indicating that beyond our life in this world we can look forward to a rest with God in heaven.

Restoration Adventures of Ezra and NehemiahWell into the Medo-Persian rule, Artaxerxes is king of Persia. Ezra and Nehemiah lead the rebuilding, religious restoration, and resettling of the remnant in Jerusalem.

Resurrection Your Body a SacrificeThe apostle Paul was very concerned about how faith in one’s heart should develop into a faith lived out in one’s flesh.

Index for resurrection

Resurrection of Christ He Is Risen!It is good news for every day that Christ died for our sins, was buried, and arose on the third day according to the scriptures. Page includes a list of the recorded appearances of the risen Christ.

Resurrection of Christ If I Be Lifted UpJesus said, “If I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw all men to myself”. His crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension, are the three ways he did this.

Resurrection Define resurrectionSeveral technical or special words in the Bible are studied and explained in our glossary. This lesson provides a word family, definitions, Greek/Hebrew references, a scripture chain, comments, and links, related to “resurrection”.

Resurrection Facts About the Last Day Resurrection A List of Bible facts about the general resurrection on the Last Day. We look at what the scriptures reveal about that coming resurrection. A neat and simple list for reference.

NoteRESURRECTION: Resurrection is rising from the dead. The mortal body dies, but at Christ’s second coming a glorious body, immortal and eternal will rise up in its place.

Resurrection of dead Events at the Last DayOne last day for this world. We don't know when, but we do know of seven main events of that day.

Resurrection of dead Resurrection of the DeadWe examine certain Bible passages that refer to the raising of the dead at the second coming of Jesus Christ. We note the teaching of Daniel, Jesus, and John.

Resurrection of dead If a Man Dies, Shall He Live Again?(Job 14:14). You could hardly think of a more important question than this. Is death the end of a person, or is there hope that death is temporary and the dead shall be raised up to live again? Job believed in the resurrection; so did David and Daniel. Jesus assures us of it.


Webservant Ron Graham

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